Sunday, December 9, 2007


I think that in recent years, the public has become more accepting of the gay and lesbian lifestyle. On desperate housewives there is now a gay couple on wisteria lane, and in Ugly Betty and Dirty Sexy Money there are trans-gendered characters. Although some gay characters are still just a comedic punching bag, the previously mentioned characters are portrayed in a more positive light than in the past. People are accepting the gays for who they are on television, and in real life.

Black Women

After reading the article on black women that was posted on the blog i am confused. Why would the color of a women's skin determine that they die quicker from breast cancer? Or be more likely to get diabetes? Is it not the same disease for everyone? I am interested in finding out the facts on those statements. White women don't have their own weekly special on who they are going to vote for, or get married to, or health facts based on their race so why should others? I think this weekly special on black women is unnecessary and is just making their race an even bigger issue than it is.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Stereotyped father

I think that the view of fathers in the media has gone way down throughout the years. The stereotypical father is so dumbed down that they are no longer a respectable figure of the family. I am not sure if the fathers decline in real life came before or after the media began to cut them down, but it has happened. I am lucky enough to have a dad that does not fall into the typical role of the father, but many are not as fortunate as me. It is time for fathers to become real men that deserve their children's respect and lead their household, in the real home, and on T.V. as well.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


The other day in class, we watched clips of the movie Bamboozled. After watching it i thought it was very interesting that a african american woman in our class raised her hand and said that it was one of her favorite movies. I think that if there was a movie like that made about my race or culture that i would be offended, but i guess that would be because i am white and would not be used to it, as many other races are. I didn't even like the movie and i am not african american.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sexual Commercials

The media is getting more and more sexual everyday, and that theory is confirmed when you turn on your television and watch the commercials. Advertisements use sexualized images and ideas of men and women to sell their product, rather than promoting the benifits of the actual product. "Sex sells" and everyone knows it, so whether it is right or wrong or fair or unfair, it works, and thats all that matters, right?

Race and News Reporting

It is sad to hear about another school shooting, but what is even more sad is the image portrayed of black people in the news story. Race was mentioned because the shooter was african american. Emphasis was put on that he was black and they made it seem like all black people are trouble makers, thieves, and violent people, when the truth is that there has been just as many white shooters in schools as there has been black. The use of race in this story adds to the already existing stereotypes. and was completly unjustified.

Jena 6

I think that the story on the Jena 6 was good. It would have been nice to see the white people point of view though, since the town the crimes happened in was predominantly white. I also think that there should have been more coverage on this story and on racial issues period. Some people dont realize how many racial problems still exist, not just in Louisians, but everywhere. It is sad that there was more coverage done on other stories like celebrities, than on this story.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I have stereotyped people with physical disabilities in a group with people who have mental problems and people who are sick. The disabled, however, are not sick and are normal people. I have this stereotype because of the media and the news as well. I thought it was very interesting to see that people in wheelchairs get offended when others say they are wheelchair "bound" because that is not how they see it, just as a person of a different race or ethnicity gets offended when others call them somthing they do not believe themselves to be. This makes me a lot more aware of disabled people, how they feel, and the language i use to describe other types of people.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Latino's in the War Documentary

I am so glad that the PBs decided to include the latino experiences in the war in Ken Burn's documentary. If they had decided not to do so that would have been so wrong! The Defend the Honor campaign did such a great job in getting people involved and rallying to save this documentary from being biased and leaving people out who deserved to be a part of it.

Friday, September 7, 2007

News Habbits

I dont really make a lot of time for the news. If i do see the news it is MTV News, E News or VH1 News. I watch good morning america when i am up that early. It is kinda sad that i dont watch the news regularly, but i guess i am just a typical girl who watches girl shows on T.V. . I hardly ever intentionally seek out news coverage. Like i said, news breaks just come on when i am watching my T.V. shows. I do care about the news and what is going on, it just isnt a top priority that i make time for. When i do think about the news and their coverage of race, gender, sexualities or disabilities i assume it is going to be addressed negatively.